11–13 Jan 2023
Murcia, Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

T-duality building blocks in stringy corrections

12 Jan 2023, 16:50
Universidad de Murcia, Campus de la Merced (Murcia, Spain)

Universidad de Murcia, Campus de la Merced

Murcia, Spain

Paraninfo Campus de la Merced C. Santo Cristo 1 30001 Murcia Spain


David, Marina (KU Leuven)


T-duality has been shown to constrain the higher derivative corrections of string theory. We revisit the problem of understanding the T-duality constraints imposed on the alpha prime corrections using the language of a torsionful connection to construct O(d,d) invariant building blocks for general d-dimensional torus compactifications. This also suggests that there are in fact some hidden geometrical structures in string theory and use this to revisit the heterotic and bosonic ten-dimensional string action at order alpha prime.

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