13–17 Sept 2021
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Format of the Conference

HEASA 2021 will be held virtually via Zoom and the Gather.Town Platform. 

  • Zoom 
    The invited, dissertation, and contributed talks will be presented on the Zoom platform.
    The scientific programme and Zoom connection details will be distributed to registered participants ahead of the conference.
  • Gather.Town 
    The opening reception (Monday, 13 September) and the poster presentations will be held via the Gather.Town platform. 
    Gather Town is an online platform that offers a unique video conferencing experience, by placing your avatar into a virtual room in which you will have the ability to move around and interact with other participants based on your locations in the room. The password to access this platform will be distributed to registered participants ahead of the conference. More information about Gather.Town can be found here, and a brief introduction to Gather.Town will be provided in the opening session of the conference.

Presentation Information 

The HEASA 2021 scientific programme will consist of oral and poster presentations. The presenters can choose the type of presentation in the abstract submission form here

  • Oral presentations 
    The presenters are strongly encouraged to present their talks live via Zoom and post their slides before the session on Indico.
    Optionally, the presenters may also upload a pre-recorded version of their talk on Indico or e-mail it to heasa2021@gmail.com so that the organizers have a back-up option in a situation where the speaker may be unavailable due to connection problems. 

    Recent Ph.D. graduates who have submitted their Ph.D. thesis after August 2019 are eligible to request a Dissertation Talk.

    The estimated duration of the different type of oral presentations follows (exact times will depend on the total number of talk requests received): 
Invited Talks  Dissertation Talks   Contributed Talks 

 30 minutes 
25 minutes talk + 5 minutes Q+A

 25 minutes 
20 minutes talk + 5 minutes Q+A

 15 minutes 
13 minutes talk + 2 minutes Q+A

  • Poster presentations 
    The posters will be displayed on the Gather.Town platform during the conference. Participants will be able to ask questions to the presenters in real-time while the presenters are in the vicinity of their poster locations on the Gather.Town virtual platform. 

    Poster presenters are requested to post their posters on Indico by Wednesday, September 8, so that they can be displayed in the Gather.Town poster room. 

Pre-session and Post-session Presentations 

HEASA 2021 will have a YouTube channel that contains unlisted playlists of the presentations given during the conference. More information about this channel can be found here. The presenters may choose not to have their talks posted on the channel by notifying the organizers via heasa2021@gmail.com

  • Oral presentations 
    The YouTube playlists will be categorized according to the scientific programme of the conference. The Zoom video recordings of the talks will be published on the channel as unlisted playlists after the session is completed. 
    Optionally, the presenters may also send a short summary of their presentation to heasa2021@gmail.com to be posted on the channel as a pre-session video before the Zoom session. 
  • Posters 
    Optionally, the presenters may send a short video about their posters to heasa2021@gmail.com that will be posted in a dedicated playlist on the HEASA 2021 YouTube channel. 


The proceedings of HEASA 2021 will be published in the open access online journal 
The Proceedings of Science (PoS) [ISSN 1824-8039]

  • Page Limits:
    • 10 pages for invited talks
    • 6 pages for contributed talks and posters
  • All articles will go through a peer-review process
  • The Scientific Organizing Committee will oversee the reviewing process
  • Accepted articles will be published by PoS electronically

The submission procedure and the required style-file can be found here.

The deadline for submission will be communicated with the presenters ahead of the conference.