13–17 Sept 2021
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Astronomy for development: The namibian example

17 Sept 2021, 13:30
Invited talk Pulsars, Other High-Energy Sources and Outreach Pulsars II & Other HE Sources & Outreach


Hannah Dalgleish (University of Oxford)


Astronomy for development is making great strides in Namibia. Forged by a collaboration between the Universities of Oxford and Namibia, together we are using astronomy as a means for capacity-building and to benefit Namibia socio-economically. Namibia is already recognised as a world leader in sustainable tourism; astronomy offers great potential to expand and diversify the market with minimal environmental impact. With access to some of the darkest and driest skies on the planet – a completely free resource – astrotourism is a relatively easy way for tour guides to complement their earnings. It also presents an opportunity to preserve the indigenous stories about the stars, which are already being lost. With H.E.S.S. already in place and the Africa Millimetre Telescope on the horizon, astronomy education provides further opportunities for sustainable socio-economic growth. Co-led by Radboud University and UNAM, we are developing a Social Impact Plan in the hope to inspire future generations of Namibian scientists and engineers.


Hannah Dalgleish (University of Oxford)


Eli Kasai (University of Namibia) Garret Cotter (University of Oxford, Department of Physics) Michael Backes (University of Namibia)

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