13–17 Sept 2021
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Pulsar high-energy emission models

16 Sept 2021, 17:25
Invited talk Pulsars Pulsars I


Alice Harding (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


Ground-based Air-Cherenkov telescopes have detected pulsations at energies above 50 GeV from a growing number of Fermi pulsars. These include the Crab, Vela, PSR B1706-44 and Geminga, with the first two having pulsed detections above 1 TeV. There appears to be VHE emission that is an extension of the Fermi spectra to high energies as well as additional higher-energy components that require a separate emission mechanism. A variety of models for emission from rotation-powered pulsars at gamma-ray energies invoke different combinations of mechanisms. They also assume different emission locations in the magnetosphere including outer gaps, extended slot gaps and the current sheet outside the light cylinder. I will review the most recent models for VHE emission in light of the present data and their predictions for observations by existing and future telescopes.


Alice Harding (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Presentation materials