Sep 12 – 17, 2021
University of Birmingham
Europe/London timezone

Latest news:

New conference dates:

PSD12 will now take place from Sunday 12 - Friday 17 September 2021.


In person registration is now closed due to the needs of planning and to confirm numbers with venues given the continuing restrictions. Please contact if there are any issues needing our attention.

The 12th International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors will feature the latest developments in position sensitive detectors from leading researchers around the world and across a wide range of scientific disciplines. The conference has a strong multidisciplinary bias and encourages cross-fertilisation and transfer of ideas between researchers working in many different fields.

All sessions are plenary with each started by an overview presentation by a keynote speaker followed by research presentations relevant to that topic.

Keynote speakers (2021):

The provisional list of keynote speakers is: Helen Boston (Liverpool), Michael Campbell (CERN), Nicolo Cartiglia (INFN Torino), Cinzia Da Via (Manchester), Heinz Graafsma (DESY), Richard Hall-Wilton (ESS), Tomasz Hemperek (Bonn), Andrew Holland (Open University), Robert Johnson (Santa Cruz), Carl Wheldon (Birmingham), Gregor Kramberger (JSI Ljubljana), Eraldo Oliveri (CERN), Petra Riedler (CERN), Vincent Schoepff (CEA), Reinhard Schulte (Loma Linda) and Nicola Tartoni (DSL, RAL).

There will also be two days of industrial exhibitions and two days of poster presentations during the conference.

Further details on the previous conference hosted by the Open University can be found on the PSD11 Conference Website.

Due to current circumstances PSD12 will be offered in a “hybrid mode" (both in-person and virtual) with enhanced participation enabled for those only able to join remotely due to restrictions. Many more details can be found at the main conference web pages.

Paper submitted to the conference will be published through the Journal of Instrumentation with instructions for abstract submission also at the main conference web pages.

We look forward to welcoming you to Birmingham, the UK's second largest city and centre of the West Midlands, the region which in the 19th Century was the birthplace of the industrial revolution.

Scientific Themes

  • X-ray and Gamma Ray Detectors

  • Novel Ionising Radiation Detection Systems

  • Position Sensitive Fast Timing Detectors

  • Detectors for High Radiation and Extreme Environments

  • Advances in Pixel Detectors and Integration Technologies

  • Gas-based Detectors

  • Medical Applications of Position Sensitive Detectors

  • Detectors for Neutron Facilities

  • Detectors for FELS, Synchrotrons and Other Advanced Light Sources
  • Applications in Life Sciences and Biology

  • Applications in Astronomy, Planetary and Space Science

  • Applications in Security and Environmental Imaging

  • Applications in Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Industry

  • Applications in Particle Physics

  • Applications in Astro-particle Physics

  • Applications in Condensed Matter

University of Birmingham
Teaching and Learning Building
Edgbaston Campus University of Birmingham B15 2TT UK
Go to map

The main venue is the Teaching and Learning Building which is R32 just North of the main library on the Edgbaston Campus Map.