12–17 Jun 2022
Europe/Budapest timezone

On the discrepancy between the observed and predicted abundances of the radioactive isotope $^7$Be produced in nova explosions

Not scheduled
Oral Presentation


Pavel Denisenkov (University of Victoria)


Recent measurements of the $^7$Be abundance in nova ejecta show that
it may exceed theoretically predicted values by an order of magnitude.
I will demonstrate that this discrepancy can be significantly reduced
if a nova explosion model takes into account that, according to
observations, nova envelopes are enriched in $^4$He. I will also explain
why the assumption that nova accreted envelopes are pre-enriched
in $^3$He made in previous models to explain the anomalously high
abundances of $^7$Be in nova ejecta does not help to solve the problem.

Length of presentation requested Oral presentation: 17 min + 3 min questions
Please select between one and three keywords related to your abstract Stellar explosions and mergers - theory
2nd keyword (optional) Nucleosynthesis
3rd keyword (optional) Stellar evolution


Pavel Denisenkov (University of Victoria)

Presentation materials

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