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In light of the Covid19 virus outbreak, we would like to inform you that the AwRI conference will run in hybrid mode, with both in person and online attendance possible.
Scientific Rationale
Radioactive nuclei play a significant role in many current astrophysical pursuits, from the origin of the elements to the driving of emissions from supernovae ($^5$$^6$Ni) and kilonovae (r-process radioactivity). Radioactive nuclei are crucial for direct studies of galactic enrichment ($^7$Be, $^2$$^6$Al, $^4$$^4$Ti, $^6$$^0$Fe, $^9$$^9$Tc, $^2$$^4$$^4$Pu) and stellar explosions ($^5$$^6$Ni, $^4$$^4$Ti). Stars and their explosions, galaxies and their evolving interstellar medium, and the origin of the solar system are among the targeted astrophysical objects. Stardust, meteorites, ocean floor deposits, cosmic-rays, and gamma-ray spectroscopy provide a rich variety of astronomy to exploit the inherent power of radioactivity. Investigation tools range from numerical models, astronomical instrumentation, and laboratory experiments to derive material compositions and nuclear reaction rates. The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers from all these different fields to promote interaction through the common ground of radioactivity.
The conference will also be an opportunity to celebrate the contributions of Roland Diehl to this field during his scientific career.
Thanks to our sponsors the conference fee will be covered for all participants. Please note that the number of in-person participants is limited and we will prioritise participants who submit an abstract.