The very intriguing chemical properties of the carbon isotopes can generate unique
molecular compounds within the interstellar and interplanetary media. As stellar evolutionary
processes collect plasma, gas, and dust, energy provided by shock waves, cosmic rays, and ion
bombardment may stimulate chemical reactions on the surface of grains, which provide a
substrate for the nucleation and condensation of various atomic, ionic, and molecular species.
The interplay between these carbon molecules and grains can be observed in various celestial
objects such as dust lanes of nebulae, molecular clouds, carbon stars, planetary surfaces, and
meteorites. In this presentation, we will review the organic and other carbon-based, molecular
species that have previously been reported to exist, review conditions for their formation, and
explore the spectroscopic methods used to track these molecules through the ISM and IPM.
Length of presentation requested | Oral presentation: 8 min + 2 min questions (Poster-type talk) |
Please select between one and three keywords related to your abstract | Interstellar Medium |