12–17 Jun 2022
Europe/Budapest timezone

Constraining the nu-p process via directly measured 56Ni(n,p) cross section

Not scheduled
Oral Presentation


Hye Young Lee (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


For the increased interest on the impact of nu-p process in the search of an answer to the heavy element production puzzle in core-collapse supernovae, a direct (n,p) reaction measurement with the radioactive $^{56}$Ni (a half-life of 6 days) was performed at Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE). The radioactive 56Ni was produced by irradiating protons on a $^{59}$Co foil through the (p,4n) reaction at the Isotope Production Facility and the thin-deposited 56Ni target was chemically separated, fabricated and characterized at the Hot Cell facility. Using the LENZ (Low Energy NZ) instrument, the first directly measured cross sections of $^{56,59}$Ni(n,p), $^{56}$Co(n,p), and $^{59}$Ni(n,$\alpha$) will be reported. With the currently obtained experimental information, the reaction rate of 56Ni(n,p) was updated and compared with other theoretical predictions. The final impact on the nu-p process will be discussed along with a plan of improving experimental uncertainty through optimized solenoidal spectrometer development at LANSCE.

Length of presentation requested Oral presentation: 17 min + 3 min questions
Please select between one and three keywords related to your abstract Nuclear physics - experimental
2nd keyword (optional) Nuclear physics - theory
3rd keyword (optional) Nucleosynthesis


Anastasia Georgiadou (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Brad DiGiovine (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Hye Young Lee (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Cecilia Eiroa-Lledo (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Christian Vermelen (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Daniel Votaw (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Georgios Perdikakis (Central Michigan University) Michal Herman (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Panos Gastis (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Pelagia Tsintari (Central Michigan University) Sean Kuvin (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Shea Mosby (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Toshihiko Kawano (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Veronika Mocko (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

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