The 13C(α,n)16O reaction is the main neutron source for the slow neutron capture process (s-process) in the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars [1] and for the intermediate process (i-process) [2]. It is activated at the temperature around T = 0.1 GK [3,4] and 0.2 GK [2], which correspond to the Gamow windows of Ecm = 0.15 – 0.3 MeV and 0.2 – 0.54 MeV, for the s- and i-processes, respectively. Due to the vast cosmic background, direct measurements at the ground laboratories stopped at energies above Ecm = 0.27 MeV [5], unable to effectively constrain the crucial threshold state and provide a reliable extrapolation down to stellar energies. Besides that, the extrapolation accuracy is further limited by large discrepancies among those measurements [6,7]. We performed the first consistent direct measurement in the range of Ecm = 0.24 – 1.9 MeV using the accelerators at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL) and Sichuan University. Our measurement covers almost the entire i-process Gamow window in which the large uncertainty of the previous experiments has been reduced from 60% down to 15%, eliminates the large systematic uncertainty in the extrapolation arising from the inconsistency of existing data sets, and provides a more reliable reaction rate for the studies of the s- and i-processes along with the first direct evidence for the near-threshold state.
[1] C. Kobayashi, A. I. Karakas, and M. Lugaro, The Astrophysical Journal 900, 179 (2020).
[2] F. Herwig, M. Pignatari, P. R. Woodward, D. H. Porter, G. Rockefeller, C. L. Fryer, M. Bennett, and R. Hirschi, The Astrophysical Journal 727, 89 (2011).
[3] R. Gallino, C. Arlandini, M. Busso, M. Lugaro, C. Travaglio, O. Straniero, A. Chieffi, and M. Limongi, The Astrophysical Journal 497, 388 (1998).
[4] S. Bisterzo, C. Travaglio, M. Wiescher, F. Käppeler, and R. Gallino, The Astrophysical Journal 835, 97 (2017).
[5] H. W. Drotleff, A. Denker, H. Knee, M. Soine, G. Wolf, J. W. Hammer, U. Greife, C. Rolfs, and H. P. Trautvetter, The Astrophysical Journal 414, 735 (1993).
[6] R. J. deBoer, C. R. Brune, M. Febrarro, J. Görres, I. J. Thompson, and M. Wiescher, Phys. Rev. C 101, 045802 (2020).
[7] D. Brown, M. Chadwick, R. Capote et al., Nuclear Data Sheets 148, 1 (2018), special Issue on Nuclear Reaction Data.
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