12–17 Jun 2022
Europe/Budapest timezone

Simulation of production of the cosmogenic radionuclides in loess

Not scheduled
Oral Presentation


Nikola Veselinovic


Development of a Geant4 application which models propagation and interaction of cosmic rays with the soil - loess, including the simulation of creation of cosmogenic radionuclides in soil is reported. CORSIKA is used to simulate the propagation of cosmic rays through atmosphere to the ground. The distribution of concentration of produced radionuclides by depth from simulation is presented thus allowing alternative method of study loess geomorfology but also to study cosmic ray flux modulated by the sun activity on long-term scale. The possibility of detection using laboratory equipment of these cosmogenic radionuclides created in soil is discussed.

Length of presentation requested Oral presentation: 8 min + 2 min questions (Poster-type talk)
Please select between one and three keywords related to your abstract Cosmic Rays
2nd keyword (optional) Nuclear physics - experimental


Nikola Veselinovic Dimitrije Maletic Mihailo Savic (Institute of Physics Belgrade) Dr Aleksandar Dragić (Institute of Physics Belgrade) Dejan Jokovic (Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade) Dr Radomir Banjanac (Institute of physics Belfrade) Dr David Knežević (Institute of physics Belgrade) Dr Vladimir Udovičić (Institute of Phyisics Belgrade)

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