Tales of Gravity celebrates the opening of the Nottingham Centre of Gravity (NCoG), which brings together Nottingham’s expertise in all aspects of gravitation in the Schools of Mathematical Sciences and Physics & Astronomy. It will cover a range of areas including fundamental physics, cosmology, relativistic astro, data and modelling, mathematics and experiment. The first two days of the meeting will be run in conjunction with UK Cosmology.
The workshop will run alongside the Cosmic Titans exhibition, an inspiring blend of art and science, featuring commissions from nine artists who have collaborated with members of the NCoG and other UK-based researchers in gravity and quantum physics. Through immersive sculptural installations, film, and photography, these artists capture the excitement, wonder, and poetry of cutting-edge scientific discovery, offering a unique perspective on how these advancements shape our future.
Invited speakers
Stefanos Aretakis (University of Toronto)
Beatrice Bonga (Radboud University)
Stephen Fairhurst (University of Cardiff)
Isabel Garcia Garcia (University of Washington)
Ruth Gregory (King's College London)
Siong Heng (University of Glasgow)
Luis Lehner (Perimeter Institute)
David Marsh (King's College London)
Enrico Pajer (University of Cambirdge)
Thomas Van Riet (Leuven University)
Nicolas Yunes (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
and more (TBC)