PT phases and Dark Energy

11 Sept 2024, 16:30


Sarben Sarkar


We consider a string inspired effective axion anomalously coupled to Abelian gauge fields and gravity via Chern-Simons couplings. By considering the renormalisation group flows in the flat space limit it is observed that a Hermitian parity symmetric phase of the theory can flow into a non-Hermitian parity-time symmetric phase.
This behavior has implications for Chern-Simons gravity. The repulsive nature of gravity, usually attributed to the existence of a positive cosmological constant, is reinterpreted at large scales as a flow from a Hermitian (attractive) gravitational theory, to a $\cPT$-symmetric (repulsive) gravity in the infrared. The discussion here is presented in the context of a Chern-Simons gravitational theory but it may be valid more generally in gravity with torsion.
The validity of such a scenario in realistic theories might alleviate the need for de Sitter phases in the current epoch of the cosmological evolution, thus avoiding their associated conceptual and technical complications.

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