5–7 Feb 2024
Virtual @ King's College London
Europe/London timezone

Towards understanding non-Abelian axion inflation

7 Feb 2024, 10:50
Virtual @ King's College London

Virtual @ King's College London

Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology, 7th floor, Strand Campus, King's College London


Mikko Sakari Laine (Universitaet Bern (CH))


An axion-like inflaton coupling to a non-Abelian gauge sector leads to a scenario which may involve fast thermalization, a computable friction coefficient, control over backreaction effects, and gravitational wave production in various frequency domains. The physics depends on the confinement scale of the non-Abelian sector, and can be either weakly or strongly coupled. We review the main ingredients of this scenario, and outline open problems.

Presentation materials