5 March 2025
Institute of Physics, London
Europe/London timezone
Workshop Registration is still open, although abstract submission is now closed

NuSec Technical Workshop 2025

The NuSec Technical Workshop 2025 takes place at the Institute of Physics in London on Wednesday 5 March 2025.  This one day in-person meeting is aimed at all researchers working on detection science for nuclear security applications. 

The technical scope of the workshop will cover all topics that have been supported by NuSec during the period of the network, with a particular focus on the following areas:

  • new detectors for nuclear security applications, including perovskites, new scintillators, and neutron detectors.
  • detection systems, instrumentation, and field trials relevant to nuclear security.
  • 'Big data' networks and AI/machine learning algorithms, with updates from the recent SIGMA data challenge.

The program will include a mixture of invited talks from senior researchers, and presentations from PhD students and early career researchers. There will also be a focus on results from NuSec-supported UK-US collaborative research in nuclear security.  

Confirmed invited speakers include:   


Zhong He University of Michigan, Professor of Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences. 


Ren Cooper Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Deputy Director of the Nuclear Science Division.  


Justin Reiss Penn State University, DTRA IIRM University Research Alliance. 


Caroline Shenton Taylor University of Surrey, Senior Lecturer in Applied Nuclear Physics. 

Abstract submission for this workshop has now closed.

To register your attendance at the NuSec workshop please submit your registration details using the Workshop Registration page. There is no charge to register for the NuSec workshop. We regret that we are not able to offer online attendance for this workshop. 

The workshop is run as part of the NTR-Net Research Network, and we will present the latest news and funding opportunities from NTRnet.  

Institute of Physics, London
37 Caledonian Road London N1 9BU, UK

The NuSec Workshop URL is: https://indico.cern.ch/e/nusec2025 To find out more about the Nuclear Security Science network, see www.nusec.uk

For general information about the NuSec Workshop please contact Lisa Fletcher

Registration for this event is currently open.