School Agenda
-- Monday 17th September --
Building-room: ESK-Comp3 PC
chair: Marco Pignatari
09:00-09:15 - Welcome from Marco and Brad
09:15-10:35 - Lecture 1 - Falk Herwig - Stellar simulations and convection in stars
10:35-11:00 - coffee break
11:00-12:20 - Lecture 2 - Alison Laird - From nuclear physics experiments to reaction rates for stars.
12:20-13:30 - Lunch break
**Building/room: ESK-Comp3 PC **
13:30-14:00 - Lecture/training - Falk Herwig - From stellar simulations to nucleosynthesis. Introduction to afternoon activities.
14:00-15:30 - Afternoon python activities - Stellar data mining
15:30-15:50 coffee break
15:50-17:20 Afternoon python activities - Stellar data mining
-- Tuesday 18th September --
** Building-room: Applied Sciences - ELT**
chair: Claudia Lederer
09:15-10:35 - Lecture 1 - Chris Fryer - Stellar explosions
10:35-11:00 - coffee break
11:00-12:20 - Lecture 2 - Rene Reifarth - Nuclear experiments and theory.
12:20-13:30 - Lunch break
**Building-room: ESK-Comp3 PC **
13:30-14:00 - Lecture/training - Ondrea Clarkson - Nucleosynthesis calculations for nuclear astrophysics.
14:00-15:30 - Afternoon python activities - nucleosynthesis simulations for newbie
15:30-15:50 coffee break
15:50-17:20 - Afternoon python activities- nucleosynthesis simulations for newbie
-- Wednesday 19th September --
**Building-room: Allam Medical Building - LT2 **
chair: Benoit Cote
09:15-10:35 - Lecture 1 - Raphael Hirschi - Stellar nucleosynthesis components for GCE.
10:35-11:00 - coffee break (school photo)
11:00-12:20 - Lecture 2 - Brad Gibson - GCE, from Tinsley to modern cosmological simulations.
12:20-13:30 - Lunch break
** Building/room: ESK-Comp3 PC **
13:30-14:00 - Lecture/training - Benoit Cote - From stellar yields to GCE, sygma/omega.
14:00-15:30 - Afternoon python activities - GCE with NuPyCEE
15:30-15:50 coffee break
15:50-17:20 - Afternoon python activities - GCE with NuPyCEE