8–12 Aug 2022
America/Toronto timezone

Flavor and CP Violation from a QCD-like Hidden Sector

11 Aug 2022, 16:30
Parallel Talk Particle Physics Particle Physics


Wafia Bensalem (Carleton University)


Confining hidden sectors at the GeV scale are well motivated by asymmetric
dark matter and naturalness considerations and can also give interesting collider signatures. Here we study such sectors connected to the Standard Model by a TeV scale mediator charged under both QCD and the dark force. Such a mediator admits a Yukawa
coupling between quarks and dark quarks which is generically flavour and CP violating.
We show that in contrast to expectation, electric dipole moments do not place a strong
constraint on this scenario even with O(1) CP-violating phases. We also quantitatively
explore constraints from ∆F = 1, 2 processes as a function of the number of dark quark
flavours. Finally, we describe the reach of upcoming measurements at Belle-II and KOTO,
and we propose new CP-odd observables in rare meson decays that may be sensitive to the
CP-violating nature of the dark sector


Daniel Stolarski (Carleton University) Wafia Bensalem (Carleton University)

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