8–12 Aug 2022
America/Toronto timezone

HAWC Observations of Gamma rays from the Quiescent Sun

8 Aug 2022, 16:50
Parallel Talk Gamma Rays Gamma Rays


Mehr Un Nisa (Michigan State University)


Galactic cosmic rays interact with the Sun’s atmosphere to produce gamma rays via pion decay up to at least 100 GeV. The role of solar magnetic fields in modulating and enhancing the flux of these gamma rays is not completely understood, and can be further elucidated with a broadband spectrum extending into the TeV range. The HAWC observatory is a ground-based array of photo-detectors sensitive to cosmic rays and gamma-ray showers between 300 GeV and ~ 100 TeV. Using six years of data with an improved reconstruction and analysis, we present the results of a search for gamma rays from the Sun. Our work hints at a new component of high energy emission largely independent of the solar cycle.

Collaboration name HAWC


Mehr Un Nisa (Michigan State University)

Presentation materials