The Galactic Centre (GC) region is a promising target for dark matter (DM) search due to the size of its halo and proximity. We report on the search for DM spectral gamma-ray lines in the GC region up to gamma-ray energies of 100 TeV with the MAGIC telescopes, located on the island of La Palma (Spain). We present the results obtained with more than 200 hours of large-zenith angle observations of the GC region with MAGIC, which allow us to derive limits on the DM annihilation cross-section at high particle masses (<5×10^(-28) cm^3 s^-1 at 1 TeV and <1×10^(-25) cm^3 s^-1 at 100 TeV for cuspy dark matter profile), improving the best current constraints above 20 TeV. We also study the impact of a cored dDM profile on our limits. Finally we use our results to constrain super-symmetric wino models.
Collaboration name | MAGIC |