We introduce mechanical effects on spintronics [1] and propose a variety of novel spintronics phenomena [2]. In particular, the coupling between nuclear spin and mechanical rotation is demonstrated [3]. Since the Bernett field is enhanced by three orders of magnitudes in nuclei more than electron spins, the nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) with mechanical rotation introduces new applications. In addition to the Bernett effect, the mechanical rotation induces the spin-Berry phase which gives rise to additional resonance phenomena in NMR [4].
We observe the generation of spin current by the flow of liquid metals. Combining this effect with the inverse spin Hall effect, the spin-hydrodynamic generation of electricity is obtained [5].
The coupling between mechanical motion and a variety of spins may be identified as a quantum version of the Einstein-de・Haas effect and Bernett effect discovered in 1915.
[1] M.Matuo, J.Ieda and S.Maekawa, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 076601 (2011).
[2] For example, M.Matsuo, E.Saitoh and S.Maekawa, to appear in J.Phys. Soc. Jpn. (2017).
[3] H.Chudo,M.Ono, K.Harii, M.Matsuo, J.Ieda, R.Haruki,S.Okayasu, S.Maekawa, H.Yasuoka and E.Saitoh, Appl. Phys. Express 7, 063004 (2014).
[4] M.Matsuo, H.Chudo, K.Harii, M.Sato, S.Maekawa and E.Saitoh, to be published.
[5] R.Takahashi, M.Ono, K.Harii, S.Okayasu, M.Matsuo, J.Ieda, S.Takahashi, S.Maekawa and E.Saitoh, Nature Phys. 12, 52 (2016).