(DNP) M3-4 Precision Measurements in nuclear and particle physics I | Mesures de précision en physique nucléaire et en physique des particules I (DPN)
- Annika Lennarz (TRIUMF)
Presentation materials
The goal of the ALPHA experiment at CERN is to perform high precision comparison between antihydrogen and hydrogen to test the fundamental symmetries that underpin the Standard Model and General Relativity. For decades, there have been many speculations about the gravitational behaviour of antimatter. The ALPHA collaboration has developed the ALPHA-g apparatus to measure the gravitational...
The ALPHA-g experiment at CERN aims to perform the first-ever direct measurement of the effect of gravity on antimatter, determining its weight to within 1% precision. At TRIUMF, we are working on a new deep learning method based on the PointNet architecture to predict the height at which the antihydrogen atoms annihilate in the detector. This approach aims to improve upon the accuracy,...
The development of new techniques to trap and cool antimatter is of interest for fundamental studies that use antimatter as a testbed for new physics. The HAICU experiment, which is in its initial phase at TRIUMF, ultimately aims to cool and trap antihydrogen in such a way that quantum effects used in the precision measurements of normal atoms could also be exploited for measurements on...
The proposed nEXO experiment is a tonne-scale liquid xenon (LXe) time projection chamber that aims to uncover properties of neutrinos via the neutrinoless double beta decays (
Potassium-40 (40K) is one of the largest sources of natural radioactivity we are exposed to in daily life. It is the only isotope decaying by electron capture, beta- and beta+. The KDK collaboration has carried out the first measurement of the electron capture to ground state of 40Ar and found a branching ratio of IEC0 =(0.098±0.025)% [1,2]. In order to confirm theoretical predictions on...
A number of recent