(DTP) T1-2 Black Holes I | Trous noirs I (DPT)
- Viqar Husain (University of New Brunswick)
A new approach for operationally studying the effects of spacetime in quantum superpositions of semiclassical states has recently been proposed by some of the authors. This approach was applied to the case of a (2+1)-dimensional Bañados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) black hole in a superposition of masses, where it was shown that a two-level system interacting with a quantum field residing in the...
The behaviour of apparent horizons throughout a black hole merger process is an unresolved problem. Numerical simulations have provided insight to the fate of the two horizons. By considering marginally outer-trapped surfaces (MOTSs) as apparent horizon candidates, self-intersecting MOTSs were found in the merger process and play a key role in the merger evolution [arXiv:1903.05626]. A similar...
One of the most important results in mathematical general relativity in the last half century is the inequality, conjectured by Penrose in 1973, that the mass inside a black hole has a lower bound determined by the area of the black hole's event horizon, and that the minimal case is realized by the Schwarzschild black hole. While a fully general proof of the conjecture does not yet exist, it...
Treating the horizon radius as an order parameter in a thermal fluctuation, the free energy landscape model sheds light on the dynamic behaviour of black hole phase transitions. Here we carry out the first investigation of the dynamics of the recently discovered multicriticality in black holes. We specifically consider black hole quadruple points in D = 4 Einstein gravity coupled to non-linear...
We study the free evolution of dilute Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) gases which have been initially trapped and released from various differently shaped confining potentials. By numerically solving the Gross-Pitaevskii equation and analytically solving the hydrodynamic Thomas-Fermi theory for each case, we find the presence of acoustic horizons within rarefaction waves which form in the outer...
We constructed a family of static, vacuum five-dimensional solutions with two commuting spatial isometries describing a black hole with a S^3 horizon and a 2-cycle `bubble' in the domain of outer communications. The solutions have been obtained by adding dipole and quadropole distortions to a seed asymptotically flat solution. We showed that the conical singularities in the undistorted...