Since the discovery of the Higgs boson by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations in 2012, a major focus in particle physics has been the understanding of its interactions. In the last years, huge progress was made in determining the strength of the Higgs bosons couplings to fermions and vector bosons, but its self‐interaction has yet to be established. The Higgs self-interactions are tightly related...
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, is the largest and most powerful particle collider in the world, and the only machine capable of producing Higgs bosons. Interactions with the Higgs field gives particles mass, and a particle’s coupling with the Higgs boson is proportional to its mass. The Standard Model particles that make up matter can be grouped into different generations, and...
There exists a large body of indirect evidence for the existence of Dark Matter (DM) but, to date, no direct evidence has been found. Because of this, there is a wide range of open parameter space which has given rise to many different models. One class of models proposes that dark matter is composed of particles that have their own interactions and only minimally couple to the standard model...
Recent progress in understanding the algebraic structure of Feynman integrals has lead to a new "tropical" numerical integration algorithm introduced by Borinsky and collaborators. For the first time, it is possible to systematically study the numerical values of very many Feynman integrals from a relatively broad class. I will present the findings of such a study that involved all...