(DTP/DNP) W1-1 Astrophysics | Astrophysique (DPT/DPN)
- Reed Essick
Precision cosmology has allowed us to learn a great deal about the very early universe through correlations in the primordial fluctuations. New data will abound in the next decade, from which we forecast the potential appearance of features in the correlations that could be due to new high-energy particles, otherwise inaccessible in particle accelerators on Earth. Moreover, the distinctive...
Astrophysical black holes are surprisingly simple physical objects. Their gravitational field can be fully described by two parameters: mass and spin. We cannot directly observe black holes as no light escapes from the event horizon. However, we can detect the light from accreting gas, which forms a dense disk around the black hole, known as an accretion disk. The accretion of material by a...
Regular black hole metrics involve a universal, mass-independent regulator that can be up to O(700 km) while remaining consistent with terrestrial tests of Newtonian gravity and astrophysical tests of general relativistic orbits. However, for such large values of the regulator scale the horizon is lost. We solve this problem by proposing mass-dependent regulators. This allows for large,...
I will present mechanisms to generate primordial magnetic fields in bouncing cosmology.
Pulsars are fast-spinning neutron stars that lose their rotational energy via various processes such as gravitational and electromagnetic radiation, particle acceleration, and mass loss processes. Pulsar energy dissipation can be quantified by a spin-down equation that measures the rate of change of pulsar rotational frequency as a function of the frequency itself. We explore the pulsar...
Signals with varying frequencies manifest across numerous disciplines within physics, astrophysics, and various other fields. One prevalent example is the occurrence of chirp-like glitches in gravitational wave detector data, which can occasionally trigger false alarms in binary merger waveform detection pipelines. In this study, we propose a novel chirp transform method featuring a waveform...