SNOLAB is a world-class underground science facility - operated fully as a cleanroom - 2km deep underground in VALE's active Creighton Mine in Sudbury Ontario. The program focuses around Neutrino Science and Dark Matter Searches, but also includes life science projects and new initiatives around Quantum Technology. In addition, SNOLAB has a number of analytical capabilities, such as ICPMS and...
The NEWS-G experiment uses spherical proportional counters (SPC) to probe for low mass dark matter. An SPC is a metallic sphere filled with gas with a high-voltage anode at its centre producing a radial electric field. The interaction between a dark matter particle and a nucleus can cause ionization of the gas, which leads to an electron avalanche near the anode and a detectable signal.
The NEWS-G experiment at SNOLAB uses spherical proportional counters, or SPCs, to detect weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which are a prime candidate for dark matter. Interactions within the gas-filled sphere create a primary ionization. The signal from the resulting electrons is passed through a digitizer and this generates raw pulses that are observed as time-series data....
The Scintillating Bubble Chamber (SBC) collaboration is combining the well-established technologies of bubble chambers and liquid noble scintillators to develop a detector sensitive to low-energy nuclear recoils with the goal of a GeV-scale dark matter search. Liquid noble bubble chambers benefit from excellent electronic recoil suppression intrinsic in bubble chambers with the addition of...
The highest energy range (∼MeV) of the solar neutrino spectrum are dominated by 8B neutrinos produced in the pp-chain in the Sun and hep neutrinos. Previous work by R.S. Raghavan, K. Bhattacharya, and others predicted the neutrinos above 3.9 MeV can be absorbed by 40Ar producing an excited state of 40K. These neutrinos can be identified by the detection of the gamma rays produced as the...