26–31 May 2024
Western University
America/Toronto timezone
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Topological order: Kitaev quantum spin liquids and related materials

30 May 2024, 13:45
SSC Rm 2050 (cap. 445) (Social Science Centre, Western U.)

SSC Rm 2050 (cap. 445)

Social Science Centre, Western U.


Hae-Young Kee (University of Toronto)


In recent decades, our understanding of quantum matter has deepened significantly through a series of discoveries. Topology and entanglement have emerged as modern frameworks for classifying distinct phases of matter. Notably, the entanglement of many particles can give rise to entirely new phases with topological order. Examples include quantum spin liquids featuring unconventional excitations. However, identifying solid-state materials that exhibit these phases with fractional excitations has proven to be a challenging endeavor. In this talk, I will discuss recent advancements in quantum materials, strategies for designing target materials, and the challenges surrounding the search for quantum spin liquids in strongly correlated materials.

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