26–31 May 2024
Western University
America/Toronto timezone
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Dragonfly: A Rotorcraft Lander at Titan

31 May 2024, 08:15
SSC Rm 2050 (cap. 445) (Social Science Centre, Western U.)

SSC Rm 2050 (cap. 445)

Social Science Centre, Western U.

Plenary Speaker / Conférencier(ère) plénier(ère) Herzberg Public and Plenary Talks / Conférenciers des sessions Herzberg et plénières F-PLEN1 Plenary Session | Session plénière - Catherine Neish, Western U.


Dr Catherine Neish


On June 27, 2019, NASA announced its next New Frontiers mission: Dragonfly. This audacious mission will send a rotorcraft to explore Saturn’s largest moon Titan, and evaluate its potential for prebiotic chemistry and (possibly) extraterrestrial life. The Dragonfly mission will also give us countless high-resolution views of this strangely Earth-like moon, showing us how rivers and sand dunes form on an icy moon with a thick atmosphere. In this presentation, I will provide a summary of the history of the Dragonfly mission, its scientific goals, and the next steps forward, from launch in 2028 to landing in the mid-2030s.

Keyword-1 Dragonfly Mission
Keyword-2 New Frontiers


Dr Catherine Neish

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