- Jens Lassen
There is a 10$\sigma$ discrepancy between theory and experiment for the ionization energy of the $1s2s^3S_1$ state of helium [1]. In order to provide an additional check, Clausen et al. [2] have performed measurements for the Rydberg $P$-states of helium from $n = 24$ to $n = 100$ and extrapolated to $n = \infty$ to find the ionization energy. In the present work, we extend previous...
The Abraham-Minkowski “controversy” is a debate in physics which began over a century ago, stemming from an ambiguity in defining the momentum of light within a medium. Simple physical arguments lead to a prediction that the momentum of light should either increase or decrease by a factor of the refractive index (compared to its value in the vacuum) upon entering a medium. Experimental...
The two definitions of coherence: quantum and classical, are equivalent under the condition of stationarity and both remain useful for different experimental scenarios. However, as in many scenarios, the boundaries and connections between quantum and classical become unclear without common assumptions. One such scenario is an ultrashort laser pulse. Classical coherence is almost always defined...
We present a theoretical model of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in an ensemble of three-level atoms that are driven by a probe and a control field in a lambda configuration. The ensemble is modelled by a 5-level quantum system with the mean-field interactions between atoms modelled by decoherence terms. The dynamics of the ensemble are calculated by solving the Lindblad Master...
The hyperfine structures of the $2^3S_1$ and $2^3P_J$ states of $^7$Be$^{2+}$ and $^9$Be$^{2+}$ are investigated within the framework of the nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics, including relativistic and radiative corrections up to order $m\alpha^6$. The uncertainties of the calculated hyperfine splittings are on the order of tens of ppm, and for $^9$Be$^{2+}$ our results improve the...