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18–23 Jun 2023
University of New Brunswick
America/Halifax timezone
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(POS-29) Many-Body Dispersion in Model Systems and the Sensitivity of Self-Consistent Screening

20 Jun 2023, 17:48
Richard J. Currie Center (University of New Brunswick)

Richard J. Currie Center

University of New Brunswick

Poster not-in-competition (Graduate Student) / Affiche non-compétitive (Étudiant(e) du 2e ou 3e cycle) Condensed Matter and Materials Physics / Physique de la matière condensée et matériaux (DCMMP-DPMCM) DCMMP Poster Session & Student Poster Competition (9) | Session d'affiches DPMCM et concours d'affiches étudiantes (9)


Mr Kyle Bryenton (Dalhousie University)


London dispersion is a weak, attractive, intermolecular force that occurs due to interactions between instantaneous dipole moments. While individual dispersion contributions are small, they are the dominating attractive force between non-polar species and determine many properties of interest. Standard methods in density-functional theory do not account for dispersion contributions, so a correction such as the exchange-hole dipole moment (XDM) or many-body dispersion (MBD) models must be added. Recent literature has discussed the importance of many-body effects on dispersion, and attention has turned to which methods accurately capture them. By studying systems of interacting quantum harmonic oscillators from first principles, we directly compare computed dispersion coefficients and energies from XDM and MBD. While the results are similar at large separations, MBD is found to be susceptible to a polarization catastrophe at short range. Additionally, the self-consistent screening formalism used in MBD is shown to be surprisingly sensitive to the choice of input polarizabilities. Connection is made to interactions between noble gas atoms, as well as to the methane and benzene dimers, and to two layered materials, graphite and MoS2, for which similar results to the oscillator models were obtained.

Keyword-1 Density-Functional Theory
Keyword-2 London Dispersion


Mr Kyle Bryenton (Dalhousie University)


Prof. Erin Johnson (Dalhousie University)

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