18–23 Jun 2023
University of New Brunswick
America/Halifax timezone
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(G*) Direct 2D Imaging of Water Penetration In Clay Using Low Field MRI

21 Jun 2023, 11:15
UNB Tilley Hall (Rm. 205 (max. 85))

UNB Tilley Hall

Rm. 205 (max. 85)

Oral Competition (Graduate Student) / Compétition orale (Étudiant(e) du 2e ou 3e cycle) Applied Physics and Instrumentation / Physique appliquée et de l'instrumentation (DAPI / DPAI) (DAPI) W1-6 Advances with MRI for measurements | Progrès de l'IRM pour les mesures (DPAE)


Samuel Perron (The University of Western Ontario)


Magnetic resonance imaging of short signal-lifetime samples comes with several challenges1, namely lower signal and the need for short acquisition windows. The apparent transverse relaxation time ($T_2^*$) of water-content in cement paste has been measured2 to be <0.3ms at 3T: this suggests imaging at low field (<0.5T) where $T_2^*$ is expected to be longer, permitting 2D imaging of water penetration in a clay sample. However, proton imaging at low field prohibits the use of low flip-angles if high signal is desired, so a short echo-time (TE) pulse sequence using 90° flip angles was implemented with a water and clay sample at 74mT.

The x-centric pulse sequence3 consists of acquiring each half of every k-space line separately, from the centre outwards in the readout/kx direction: this halves the acquisition duration and ensures the centre of k-space is acquired first, minimizing signal decay caused by $T_2^*$ relaxation. This pulse sequence was used to image water distribution in a 12mL bentonite clay sample on a 74mT MRI system and compared with the traditional gradient echo (GRE) sequence. Eight $T_2^*$-weighted images were obtained using 8 different TEs=0.5ms…10ms. Bulk relaxation measurements of the longitudinal ($T_1$) and apparent transverse relaxation times were also performed for increasing water content (1mL increments).

The $T_1$ relaxation was around 10ms and was largely independent of water content; the $T_2^*$ relaxation was proportional to the amount of water in the clay (3 to 5ms). The x-centric pulse sequence was 2.5 times more efficient than GRE. A 2D $T_2^*$ map was generated from eight $T_2^*$-weighted x-centric images: the global mean $T_2^*$ value was 6.4$\pm$3.2ms.

We have shown that x-centric was able to image the water content in the bentonite clay with minimal $T_2^*$-weighting. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to image water-content in bentonite clay4. The $T_2^*$ dependence on water content suggests that a $T_2^*$ map also represents a regional water absorption/content map. The short $T_1$ measured here should allow for rapid real-time 2D and 3D imaging of water penetration in porous materials, and the significantly longer $T_2^*$ at this field strength alleviates the imaging issues caused by this fast signal decay.

1 Muir et al. MRC (2013); 2 Sakai et al. OJCE (2017); 3 Ouriadov et al. MRM (2015); 4 Fagan et al. MRI (2005)

Keyword-1 MRI
Keyword-2 Clay
Keyword-3 Water Absorption


Samuel Perron (The University of Western Ontario)


Shivam Gupta (The University of Western Ontario) Matthew Fox (Lawson Health Research Institute) Dmitrij Zagidulin (The University of Western Ontario) Jamie Noël (The University of Western Ontario) Prof. Alexei Ouriadov (The University of Western Ontario)

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