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18–23 Jun 2023
University of New Brunswick
America/Halifax timezone
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(I) Effective Field Theory for QCD Factorization

19 Jun 2023, 10:45
UNB Tilley Hall (Rm. 5 (max. 70))

UNB Tilley Hall

Rm. 5 (max. 70)

Invited Speaker / Conférencier(ère) invité(e) Theoretical Physics / Physique théorique (DTP-DPT) (DTP) M1-2 Fields, Particles, and Strings | Champs, particules et cordes (DPT)


Michael Luke (University of Toronto)


The interpretation of experimental results in particle physics is complicated by the fact that essentially all experimental probes of short distance physics are complex multi-scale processes, and so our ability to interpret experiments depends on our ability to factorize the physics at different distance scales. A simple example is the factorization of hadronic cross sections into short-distance scattering amplitudes and long-distance parton distribution functions, but for more complex situations with additional scales the issue of factorization can be significantly more involved.

Effective Field Theory (EFT) is a general approach in which only the degrees of freedom relevant at a particular length scale are included as degrees of freedom in the theory, and provides a systematically improvable approach to factorization. For collider physics, the appropriate EFT goes under the name of “Soft-Collinear Effective Theory” (SCET). In this talk I’ll discuss a recent, simple formalism for SCET and discuss its application to the study of power corrections to various processes.

Keyword-1 Effective Field Theory
Keyword-2 QCD


Michael Luke (University of Toronto)

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