7–12 Jun 2020
Virtual Platforms
America/Toronto timezone
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Detecting Gravitational Waves with Bose-Einstein Condensates

12 Jun 2020, 13:45
Virtual Platforms

Virtual Platforms

Oral Competition (Undergraduate Student) / Compétition orale (Étudiant(e) du 1er cycle) Theoretical Physics / Physique théorique (DTP-DPT) F-DTP-2 : DTP Student Oral Competition


Matthew Robbins (University of Waterloo/Perimeter Institute)


With the recent direct observation of gravitational waves, a new avenue of observing the Universe has become available. As a result, much effort is being devoted to the design of new detectors sensitive to different gravitational wave sources. One unique proposal is to detect gravitational waves using a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC). In this talk, I will show that transient gravitational wave detection using BECs is limited at lower frequencies by methods in quantum optics and by damping at higher frequencies. For continuous sources, the application of an external oscillating magnetic field is considered as a means to amplify sensitivity. I will discuss the prospects and challenges for such detectors to be competitive or even superior in sensitivity to existing gravity wave detectors.


Matthew Robbins (University of Waterloo/Perimeter Institute)


Niayesh Afshordi Robert Mann (University of Waterloo)

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