R1-7 Neutrons (DNP) | Neutrons (DPN)
- Elie Korkmaz
Neutrons converted to low energies of several hundreds of neV are referred to as ultra-cold neutrons (UCN). Their unique storage properties and resulting long observation times make them an ideal tool to study fundamental properties. Results obtained from measurements of the neutron lifetime and experiments searching for a neutron electric dipole moment (EDM) have profound consequences for the...
The TRIUMF Ultracold Advanced Neutron (TUCAN) collaboration uses a neutron source based on superfluid helium to produce ultracold neutrons. Superfluids are usually thought of as having infinite thermal conductivity. But at the operating temperature and heat flux for our source, the transport of heat in the superfluid is expected to be limited by quantum vortices. In the two-fluid model, the...
The search for a permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of the free neutron is a high precision measurement. Its outcome has high impact on subatomic physics since it’s linked to violation of CP symmetry, and to the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe.
The TUCAN collaboration (TRIUMF UltraCold Advanced Neutron source) aims to build a world leading facility for the production of Ultracold...