386 / 386
- Bassel Abdel Samad (Université de Moncton)
- Tahereh Afsharvosoughi (Brock University)
- Rishima Agarwal (Dalhousie University)
- mohammad ahmadi (Brock university)
- Shahla Ahmadi (university of New Brunswick)
- Mohammad Ahmady (Mount Allison University)
- Shomi Ahmed (University of Manitoba)
- Daria Ahrensmeier (Simon Fraser University)
Adekunle Aina
(Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Speaker at Escherichia coli's RfaH studied by all-atom Monte Carlo simulation (G)*
- Speaker at Multisequence algorithm for coarse-grained biomolecular simulations: Exploring the sequence-structure relationship of proteins (G)
- Speaker at POS-63 Multisequence algorithm for coarse-grained biomolecular simulations: Exploring the sequence-structure relationship of proteins
- Md Meraj Alam (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières & Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
- Aleksandrs Aleksejevs (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Fuad Ali (Univerity of Guelph)
Masooma Ali
(University of New Brunswick)
- Speaker at Bianchi IX dynamics in dust time (G)
- Fahad Alkhayri (University of New Brunswick)
- Ryan Ambrose (University of Regina)
- Koffi Novignon Amouzou (University of Moncton)
- Tetyana Antimirova (Ryerson University)
- Quentin Arnaud
- Yann Audin (Bishop's University)
- Ethan Avila
- Mohammad Reza Aziziyan (Université de Sherbrooke)
Jonathan Bagger
- Speaker at TRIUMF Director Report
- Mehran Bagheri
- Peter Bankole (U of Saskatchewan)
- Mauricio Barbi
- Tim Bardouille (Dalhousie University)
- Svetlana Barkanova (Acadia University)
- Francesco Barletta (Centre matapédien d'études collégiales)
- Jordi Baro Urbea (University of Calgary)
- Michael Bauer (Dalhousie University)
- Björn Baumeier (Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science & Institute for Complex Molecular Systems)
Ryan Bayes
(Laurentian University)
- Speaker at The SNO+ Calibration Program
- Magdalena Bazalova-Carter (University of Victoria)
- Shane Beattie (Elcora Advanced Materials)
- Julien Beaudoin Bertrand (Université Laval)
- Christopher Bergevin (York University)
- Nikita Bernier (TRIUMF)
Edmund Bertschinger
- Speaker at Towards a More Inclusive Physics
- Steven Beyea (BIOTIC, IWK/QEII Health Sciences Centre)
Ian Blokland
(University of Alberta)
- Speaker at Measuring Scientific Literacy
- Peter Blunden (University of Manitoba)
- Robert Blyth (Canadian Light Source)
Mark Boland
- Speaker at Design Study for CLS 2.0
- Beatrice Bonga (Perimeter Institute)
- James Michael Botte (Carleton University (CA))
- Bobby Bourque (Université de Moncton)
- Agata Branczyk (Perimeter Institute)
- Benjamin Broerman (Queen's University)
- Delilah Brown (Mount Allison University)
- Katherine Budden (Saint Mary's University)
- Johnathan Burchill (University of Calgary)
Cliff Burgess
(McMaster U/Perimeter Inst.)
- Speaker at Open EFTs and Gravity as a Medium (I)
- Jacob Burgess (University of Manitoba)
Sarah Burke
- Speaker at Submolecular scale mapping of the Hubbard U
- Chris Burns (Novonix)
John Bush
- Speaker at Pilot-wave hydrodynamics (I)
- Samuel Buteau (Dalhousie University)
- Roger Caballero-Folch (TRIUMF)
- Freddy Cachazo (Perimeter Institute)
- Samuel Cameron (Dalhousie)
- Stephen Campbell (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Melanie Campbell (University of Waterloo)
- Melanie Campbell (University of Waterloo)
- Simon Caron-Huot
- Margaret Carrington (Brandon University)
- Rachel Chang (Dalhousie University)
- Dimpal Chauhan (Queen's University)
Mark Chen
(Queen's University)
- Speaker at SNO+
- Yu Him Justin Chiu (University of Victoria (CA))
- Kyung Soo Choi (University of Waterloo)
- Patrick Clancy (McMaster University)
- Charlotte Clegg (Dalhousie University)
- Daniel Cluff (University of Exeter)
- David Cooke (McGill)
- Marc Cormier (Dalhousie University)
- Eric Cornell (University of Colorado)
- Brad Cownden (University of Manitoba)
- xiaoyu cui (Canadian Light Source)
- Alex Cushley
Omur Dagdeviren
(McGill University)
- Speaker at A New Pathway for Robust High-Resolution Imaging and Quantitative Force Spectroscopy in Vacuum: Tuned-Oscillator Atomic Force Microscopy
- Speaker at Dimensionality and length scale of defects in epitaxial SnTe topological crystalline insulator films
- Speaker at Exploring surface phase, morphology, and charge distribution transitions of perovskites: a case study on SrTiO3
- Jeff Dahn (Dalhousie University)
- Douglas Dahn
- Jack Davis (University of Toronto)
- John Davis (University of Alberta)
- Jeffrey Dech (University of Windsor)
- Ray DeCorby (University of Alberta)
- Abhay Deshpande (Stony Brook University)
- Philippe Després (Université Laval)
Rainer Dick
(University of Saskatchewan)
- Speaker at Status of Higgs Portal Dark Matter (I)
- Riccardo Di Sipio (University of Toronto (CA))
Philippe Di Stefano
(Queen's University)
- Speaker at Update on the KDK (40K decay) experiment
- Katelyn Dixon (University of Toronto)
- Ksenia Dolgaleva
- Ying Dong (University of Waterloo)
- Kevin Douglas (Okanagan College)
Evangeline Downie
(The George Washington University)
- Speaker at MUSE-ing about the proton radius puzzle (I)
- Gordon Drake (University of Windsor)
- James Drummond (Dalhousie University)
- Paul Dubovan (University of Windsor)
- Ryan Dunlop (University of Guelph)
- Michelle Dunlop (University of Guelph)
- Daniel Durnford (Queen's University)
- John Dutcher
- C. Adam Dyker (Department of Chemistry, University of New Brunswick)
- Daniel Edler (Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany)
- Philip Egberts (University of Calgary)
- Justin Elms
Rory Evans
(University of Regina)
- Speaker at SoLID Heavy Gas Cherenkov Prototype (G)*
Andrew Evans
(University of Calgary)
- Speaker at Antihydrogen 1S-2P Spectroscopy (G)*
- Valerio Faraoni (Bishop's University)
- Spencer Farrell (Dalhousie University)
- Eleanor Fascione (CERN)
- Robyn Fiori (Natural Resources Canada)
- Liz Fletcher (Queen's University)
Francine Ford
(Canadian Association of Physicists)
- Speaker at Test Abstract for 2018 Congress
- John Frampton (Dalhousie University)
- Beatrice Franke (TRIUMF)
- Tim Friesen (TRIUMF (CA))
Barbara Frisken
(Simon Fraser University)
- Speaker at Morphology of ion-conducting polymers (I)
Olivier Gagnon
(Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation)
- Speaker at CFI Report
- Bea Gallardo-Lacourt (University of Calgary)
- Khalid Gameil (Carleton University and National Research Council of Canada)
- Roby Gauthier (Dalhousie University)
- Amy-Rae Gauthier (University of New Brunswick)
- Matthew Genovese (Dalhousie University)
- Michael Gericke (University of Manitoba)
- Muad Ghaith (Queen's University)
- Masoud Ghezelbash (University of Saskatchewan)
- Nicolas Giasson (Université Laval)
- Michel Gingras
- Stephen Glazier (Dalhousie University)
- Delphine Gourdon (Physics - University of Ottawa)
- Claudiu Gradinaru (University of Toronto)
- Jordan Grattan (University of New Brunswick)
- Beau Greaves (University of Windsor)
Daniel Grimmer
(University of Waterloo)
- Speaker at Thermalization by Rapid Bombardment (G)*
- Philippe Gros (Queen's University)
- Peter Grutter (Dep. of Physics)
Francesco Guescini
- Speaker at ATLAS ITk activities at SFU, TRIUMF and UBC
- Sebastien Guillon (HYDRO-QUEBEC)
- Aimee Gunther (University of Waterloo)
- Hong Guo (McGill Univresity)
- Bae-Yeun Ha
- Alain Haché (Université de Moncton)
- David Hall (Dalhousie University)
- Mark Halpern (The University of British Columbia)
- Deny Hamel (Université de Moncton)
- Melanie Hammer
- TJ Hammond (University of Ottawa)
- David Hanna (McGill University)
- James L. Harden (University of Ottawa)
- Jessie Harlow
- Derek Harnett (University of the Fraser Valley)
Genevieve Harrisson
(Canadian Nuclear Laboratories)
- Speaker at On an alternative neutron source
- Syed Moeez Hassan (University of New Brunswick)
- Christopher Heath (University of Windsor)
- Frank Hegmann (University of Alberta)
- Robie Hennigar (University of Waterloo)
Nigel Hessey
- Speaker at Technical Resources
- Speaker at The ATLAS Upgrade for the High-Luminosity LHC (I)
- Kevin Hewitt (Dalhousie University)
- Andreas Hilfinger (University of Toronto Mississauga)
David Hobill
- Speaker at A Geometric Theory of Plant Growth
Can-Ming Hu
(University of Manitoba)
- Speaker at Cavity Spintronics (I)
- Garth Huber (University of Regina)
- Allan Hupman (Department of Physics & Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University)
- Anna Ignaszak (University of New Brunswick)
- Nicholas Ilow (Dalhousie University)
- S M Asif Iqbal (Dalhousie University)
- Olaoluwa Jejeniwa (Canadian Association of Physicists)
- Manfred Jericho (Dalhousie University)
- Erin Johnson (Dalhousie University)
- Stefan Juckes (Dalhousie University)
- Mads Kaern (University of Ottawa)
- David Kalliecharan (Dalhousie University)
- Calvin Kalman (Concordia University)
- Eva Kasanda (University of Guelph)
- Satbir Kaur (Dalhousie University)
- Dilek KAZICI (Bishop's University)
- Richard Keeler (University of Victoria (CA))
Stéphane Kena-Cohen
(Polytechnique Montreal)
- Speaker at Room-temperature quantum fluids of light (I)
- Ken Ken Showalter (West Virginia University, USA)
Pouya Khaghani
(Laurentian University)
- Speaker at SNO+ Calibration with the 16N Source (G)*
- Viktor Khalack (Université de Moncton)
Hyung Jin Kim
(University of Waterloo)
- Speaker at *** Withdrawn *** Cuscuton Bounce (G)*
- Wyatt Kirkby (McMaster University)
- David Knudsen (University of Calgary)
- Kristin Ko (Dalhousie University)
- Theodore Kolokolnikov (Dalhousie University)
Akira Konaka
- Speaker at T2K
- Speaker at Status of T2K and future (I)
- Daniel Korchinski (The University of Calgary)
- Komi Kougblenou
- Laurent Kreplak (Dalhousie)
- Jacob Krich (University of Ottawa)
Peter Krieger
(University of Toronto (CA))
- Speaker at ATLAS
- Samuel Kristoffersen
- Florian Kuchler
- A Kumarakrishnan (York University)
- Tony Kwan (University of Victoria (CA))
- John Ladan (University of Toronto)
- Alex Laffoley (University of Guelph (CA))
- Jolanta Lagowski (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- David Langelaan (Dalhousie University)
- Eve Langelier (Universite de Sherbrooke)
Ian Lawson
- Speaker at Results from the DAMIC at SNOLAB Experiment
- Alexandre Le Blanc (Laurentian University)
- Lindsay LeBlanc (University of Alberta)
- Dong Hoon Lee
- Carmen Lee (McMaster University)
- Garrett LeGallais (Dalhousie University)
- Francois Legare (INRS-EMT)
- Annika Lennarz (TRIUMF)
- Zoya Leonenko (University of Waterloo)
- Robert Les (University of Toronto (CA))
- Heather Lewandowski (University of Colorado)
- Hongyang Li (Dalhousie)
- Yuchong Li (University of Toronto Mississauga)
- Caio Licciardi (Laurentian University)
- Yi-Hsuan Lin (University of Toronto)
- Addison Lindemann (Renert School)
- Dylan Linthorne (Carleton University)
- Aaron Liu (Dalhousie University)
- Yulong Liu (Dalhousie University)
- Eric Logan
- Eric Logan (Dalhousie University)
- Savino Longo (University of Victoria)
- Andre Longtin (University of Ottawa)
- Alex Louli (Dalhousie University)
- Norbert Lutkenhaus (University of Waterloo)
Alexander Lvovsky
(University of Clgary)
- Speaker at Schrödinger cats in quantum optics (I)
- Victor M
- Xiaowei Ma
- Jesse Maassen (Dalhousie University)
- Lee MacDonald (Dalhousie University)
- A. D. MacLean (Department of Physics, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario)
- Ryan MacLellan (University of South Dakota)
- Lindsay Mainhood (Queens University)
Juan Maldacena
(Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, NJ)
- Speaker at Black holes, wormholes and entangled states
- Robert Mann (University of Waterloo)
Manu Manu Paranjape
- Speaker at Decay of the false Skyrmions
- Samuel March
- Richard Marchand (University of Alberta)
- Drew Marquardt (University of Windsor)
- Jill Marshall (University of Texas)
Anne Martel
(Sunnybrook Research Institute; Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto)
- Speaker at Machine Learning for Medical Image Analysis
- Melanie Martin (University of Winnipeg)
Jeffery Martin
(The University of Winnipeg)
- Speaker at NSERC SAPES Chair Report
- Speaker at Quantum Vortex Limitations to Ultracold Neutron Production
- Ryan Martin (Queen's University)
- Aaron Mascaro (McGill University)
- Christophe Match (University of Manitoba)
- Nergis Mavalvala (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Adam Mayer (University of Calgary)
Saoussen Mbarek
(University of waterloo)
- Speaker at Black Hole Biochemistry (G)*
- Saoussen MBAREK (University of Waterloo)
- Jason McCoombs (Dalhousie University)
- Chris McDonald
- evan mcdonough (Brown University)
- Sophie McGibbon-Gardner (University of Toronto)
- Kayla McLean (University of Victoria (CA))
- Paul Mikula (University of Manitoba)
- Kerri Miller (University of Calgary)
- Narjes Moghadam (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Ted Monchesky (Dalhousie University)
- Vivian Murray (Dalhousie University)
- Christopher Murray (Lakehead University)
- Christine Muschik (University of Waterloo)
- Stephen Nagler (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Serge Nagorny (Queen's University)
- Omar Nava (Air Force Institute of Technology)
- Keith Ng (University of Waterloo)
- JOHN NIVEN (McMaster University)
Tony Noble
(Queen's University)
- Speaker at CPARC
- Speaker at The Status of the PICO Dark Matter Search Experiment (I)
- Sarah Nowicki
Toshio Numao
- Speaker at NA62 and PiEnu
- Alex Clesio Nunes Martins (Lakehead University)
- Mark Obrovac (Dalhousie University)
- Susan Odom (University of Kentucky)
- Olakunle Ogunjobi (North West University, South Africa)
- Art Olin (TRIUMF (CA))
- Scott Oser
- Katherine Pachal (Simon Fraser University (CA))
- Payam Pakarha
- A. Palameta
- Grace Parraga (Western University)
- Alexandra Paulick (University of Windsor)
Marcello Pavan
- Speaker at User Support and Engagement at TRIUMF
- Chris Peacock (Dalhousie University)
- Spencer Percy (University of Windsor)
- Mathieu Perron-Cormier (Université de Moncton)
- Cary Pint (Vanderbilt University)
- Réjean Plamondon (École Polytechnique de Montréal)
Arthur Plante
(Université de Montréal)
- Speaker at PICO40L neutron background simulation (G)*
- Kristin Poduska (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Jan Poehls (University of Alberta)
- James Polson (University of Prince Edward Island)
- Adriana Predoi-Cross (University of Lethbridge)
- Christopher Pugh (University of Waterloo/Institute for Quantum Computing)
- Le Qiao (University of Ottawa)
- Candice Quinn (University of Calgary)
- Ajan Ramachandran (Dalhousie University)
- Arun Ramachandran (University of Toronto)
- Chitra Rangan (University of Windsor)
- Robert Rankin
- Arezou Rashidi (Nipissing University )
Wolfgang Rau
(Queen's University)
- Speaker at SuperCDMS
Moritz Pascal Reiter
- Speaker at Recent mass measurements at TITAN (I)
- Drew Riley (Dalhousie University)
Steven Robertson
- Speaker at Belle II
- Speaker at Status of the Belle II Experiment on the SuperKEKB Collider (I)
- Alan Robinson (Fermilab)
Michael Roney
(IPP Director)
- Speaker at Closeout
- Michael Roney (IPP)
Thomas Rosin
- Speaker at The HELIX Cosmic-ray Experiment (G)*
- Harm Rotermund (Dalhousie University)
- Cameron Rudderham (Dalhousie University)
- Andrew Rutenberg (Dalhousie University)
- Christopher Ryan Wiebe
- Mahmood Sabooni (IQC)
- Ruben Sandapen (Acadia University)
- Nury Santisteban (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Adam Sarty (Saint Mary's University)
- Takashi Sato (Kwantlen Polytechnic University)
- Andrew Scarff (University of British Columbia)
- Rob Scott (University of Brest)
- Shivani Semwal (Memorial University)
- Tanu Sharma (Mount Allison University)
- Robert Shcherbakov (Western University)
- Ian Short (Saint Mary's University)
- Josiah Sinclair (University of Toronto)
- Amandeep Singh (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali)
- Sebastian Slaman (University of Waterloo)
- Gary Slater (University of Ottawa)
Nigel Smith
- Speaker at SNOLab Director Report
- Kyla Smith (University of Manitoba)
- Chukman So
Mandana (Mandy) Sobhanzadeh
(Mount Royal University)
- Speaker at Grade Inflation due to Selective Averaging
- Leyla Soleymani
- Matt Steffler (University of Guelph)
- Dan Steingart (Princeton University)
Justin Stevens
(College of William and Mary)
- Speaker at Recent Results from GlueX (I)
- Laura Stiles-Clarke (St. Francis Xavier University)
- Jean-Pierre St-Maurice (University of Saskatchewan)
- Sean Stotyn (University of Calgary)
- Patrick Strongman (Dalhousie University)
Tristan Sullivan
(Queen's University)
- Speaker at Massive Neutrino Search in $\pi \rightarrow e \nu$ Decay
- Speaker at Status of PICO-40L
- Michelle Svatos (University of Wisconsin)
- Ramy Tannous (University of Waterloo)
- Frédéric Tardif (Université de Montréal)
- David Tessier (The University of Western Ontario)
- David Themens (University of New Brunswick)
- Lauren Thompson (Dalhousie University)
- Venketesh Thrithamara Ranganathan
- Danielle Tokarz (Saint Mary's University)
- Andre-Marie Tremblay (Universite de Sherbrooke)
- Joshua Trevisanutto (Lakehead University)
- Josh Trocchi (University of Windsor)
- Yanitza Trosel (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Ryan Underwood
(Queen's University)
- Speaker at Analysis of CDMSlite Run 3 (G)*
- Adam Ursenbach (Renert School)
- Brigitte Vachon (McGill University (CA))
- Robert Valente (University of Windsor)
Irina Valitova
- Speaker at Organic semiconductor radiation dosimeters
- Sree Ram Valluri (Uuniversity of Western Ontario)
- Daniel Venn (University of Windsor)
- David Venus (Mcmaster University)
Marie Vidal
- Speaker at Quenching factor for NEWS-G (G)*
Matteo Vorabbi
(TRIUMF Canada's particle accelerator centre)
- Speaker at Ab initio calculations for exotic nuclei (I)
- Stefan Wallin (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- William Ward (University of New Brunswick)
- Rochelle Weber (Materials Engineering Program, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2, Canada)
- Stephanie Weber
- Stephen Weber (Carleton University (CA))
- Martin Williams (University of Guelph)
Edward Wilson-Ewing
(University of New Brunswick)
- Speaker at The CMB and the early universe (I)
- William Witczak-Krempa (Universite de Montreal)
- Benjamin Wolfman (Renert School)
- Pooja Woosaree (Laurentian University)
- Chijin Xiao (University of Saskatchewan)
- Juan-Pablo Yanez (University of Alberta)
- karim zaghib (HydroQuebec)
- Hanif Zarringhalam
- Ning Zhang (Dalhousie University)
- Yang Zhao (Western University)
- Tammy Zidar (University of Guelph)