W3-4 Soft matter and molecular dynamic (DPMB/DCMMP) | Matière molle et dynamique moléculaire (DPMB/DPMCM))
- Francis Lin (University of Manitoba)
Despite almost 90 years of study the physiological role of vitamin E is still muddied by controversy. Research, both fundamental and clinical, has generated conflicting and contradictory results throughout literature.
Deficiency in α-tocopherol (aToc), the physiological relevant form of vitamin E, has been show to lead to a multitude of conditions including infertility and neuromuscular...
RfaH is a compact two-domain multi-functional protein from the bacteria $Escherichia\ coli\ (E. coli)$. Its C-terminal domain (CTD) has been shown experimentally to be able to undergo a complete conformational change from an $\alpha$-helix bundle to a $\beta$-barrel structure. The $\alpha$-helix bundle to $\beta$-barrel fold switch accounts for the observed dual role of RfaH, whereby it...
Thin polymeric films have numerous technological applications and their stability has garnered intense interest. The stability and flow of a thin, viscous film is sensitive to the boundary conditions as the film thickness approaches the nanoscale. Here we probe a liquid-liquid boundary condition: a stepped polymer film is placed above a different, immiscible polymer film. The ensemble is...
In most polyelectrolyte translocation studies, regardless of the shape of the pore and the strength of the driving force, the polymer chain has to go through three basic steps: (i) diffusion; (ii) capture; (iii) threading. The capture process remains rather ill-understood because it cannot easily be visualized or inferred from the blockage current measured across the nanopore. To estimate the...