W3-6 Particle Physics VIII (PPD) I Physique des particules VIII (PPD)
- Nigel Hessey (TRIUMF)
Neutrino oscillation measurement entered a precision era. In summer 2017, T2K
disfavoured CP conserving phase of δcp=0,π at 2σ level. CP asymmetry in neutrino
and anti-neutrino νμ->νe appearances can be as large as 20% depending on the CP
phase δcp, which is within the reach of new projects, HyperK and DUNE. HyperK
aims at statistical error of ~3% for the asymmetry. It is essential to...
The ATLAS detector has been in an intense period of data-taking since the start of Run 2 in 2015. With 86 fb-1 collected so far, the prospects for discovering dark matter at the LHC have never been higher. WIMP dark matter may be produced in proton-proton collisions, yielding an excess of collision events with a large amount of invisible missing transverse momentum (ETmiss); such a process...
A measurement is presented of the triple-differential cross section for the Drell--Yan process $Z/{{\gamma }^{*}}\to {{\ell }^{+}}{{\ell }^{-}}$, where ${{l}^{+}}{{l}^{-}}$ is an electron or a muon. The analysis uses$pp\ $collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=8$TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC in 2012. The measurement is performed for invariant masses of the...
Extensive effort in the hunt for particle dark matter continues to explore WIMP-nucleon cross sections for the typical weak-scale masses below $10^5$GeV$/c^2$. Extension of the canonical WIMP exclusion limit to superheavy masses becomes an inaccurate description when the cross section rises high enough for relic particles to scatter multiple times within the depth of a detector. These...
Hadronic interaction uncertainty is a shared systematic uncertainty between many neutrino experiments. The reduction of this uncertainty would mean a furthering of the physics goals for these experiments. Hadronic interactions from the T2K and NuMI beamline can be separated into primary and secondary interactions. Primary hadronic interactions occur when high energy protons interact with a...