T1-5 Quirks and Quarks (PPD/DTP) I « Quirks » et quarks (PPD/DPT)
- Claudio Kopper (University of Alberta)
$B\to K^*\nu\bar \nu$ is an excellent venue to test various model predictions for $B\to K^*$ transition form factors. Here we compare predictions for the differential branching ratio, as well as the longitudinal polarization fraction obtained from AdS/QCD holographic light-front wavefunction and QCD sum rules.
In a recent paper, we have shown that dynamical spin effects are important to describe pion observables within holographic light-front QCD. The relative importance of such effects was freely chosen to fit the data. We now show that these dynamical spin effects can actually be theoretically constrained if we dare to extrapolate the use of an exact QCD relation away from the chiral limit....
We compute masses of light quarkonium and strangeonium $0^{+-}$ hybrids using Gaussian sum-rules. Correlation functions account for condensates up to dimension-six and are calculated at leading-order in $\alpha_s$. Our analysis indicates that the resonance signal strength in this channel is distributed over a wide range, inconsistent with a single narrow resonance. A single wide resonance...