(18h00-19h30) Poster Session & Finals
(19h30-20h00) Mingle session
The installation of a Cryogenic Underground Test facility (CUTE) is currently ongoing at SNOLAB. The facility includes a cryogen-free dilution refrigerator which is installed within a drywell at the center of a water tank, and shielded with several layers of low radioactivity lead and ultra-pure copper. CUTE will be used for performance tests, characterization measurements, background tests,...
SNO+ is a multipurpose neutrino physics experiment adapting the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) detector located 2 kilometers underground in the SNOLAB facility in Sudbury, Canada. A sensitive technique to assay 210Pb in water was developed by SNO+. For the lower energy measurements of interest to SNO+, radon daughter radioisotopes, especially 210Po and 210Bi supported by 210Pb, are...
The implications of the anarchy principle on CP violation in the lepton sector are investigated. A systematic method is introduced to compute the probability density functions for the CP-violating rephasing invariants of the PMNS matrix from the Haar measure relevant to the anarchy principle. Contrary to the CKM matrix which is hierarchical, it is shown that the Haar measure, and hence the...
My research is part of an effort by the broader subatomic physics community to understand the fundamental characteristics of particles and their interactions. Currently, the Standard Model of particle physics encompasses the knowledge in this field, developed over the last 60 years. As modern technologies and improved experimental techniques develop, measurements become more precise and may...
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is a cubic-km Cherenkov detector of instrumented ice, designed with the primary goal of detecting very high energy neutrino events beyond the TeV scale from astrophysical sources. Detection of few-GeV atmospheric neutrinos is made possible by the DeepCore infill array. The relatively small amount of recorded event information at these energies introduces...