(18h00-19h30) Poster Session & Finals
(19h30-20h00) Mingle session
Physics for Modern Technology is a newly established, very applied bachelor's degree in physics and instrumentation at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, a teaching-led university in Greater Vancouver.
Modelled after similar programs running successfully in Europe, this program is aimed at students who wish to work in high tech industry after graduation. Although progression to graduate...
Okanagan College capitalizes on its long-standing relationship with the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, bringing students to the facility every semester. These field trips expose students to cutting-edge research, and reinforces the concepts learned in their classes. The realization that world-class research is being performed in the local community engages students tremendously. ...
We report on our implementation of online lab sections of PHYS 1100, a one-semester, algebra based course with separate classroom and lab components at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Since January 2017, we have offered online as well as on-campus lab sections, which students take in conjunction with a class, which itself is available on-campus, online, or partially online. The online lab...