T2-1 Ultrafast EM waves III: Quantum Control (DAMOPC/DCMMP) | | Ondes EM ultrarapides III: Contrôle quantique (DPAMPC/DPMCM)
- Francois Legare (INRS-EMT)
- Kimberley Hall (Dalhousie University)
In the strong light-matter coupling regime, energy is reversibly exchanged between the electromagnetic field and the polarization field. A microscopic description of this regime is usually presented in terms of hybrid light-matter quasiparticles called polaritons. These quasiparticles have a number of fascinating properties such as an ability to undergo Bose-Einstein condensation at high...
Three-pulse multidimensional coherent spectroscopy allows for isolation of zero-, one- and two-quantum pathways for separate and coupled, as well as their homogeneous and inhomogeneous linewidths [1]. Excitons and biexcitons are examined in semiconductor quantum wells to determine the lineshapes and quantum pathways associated with the optical excitation. These result are compared and...