W3-3 Fields and Strings II (DTP) | Champs et cordes II (DPT)
- Simon Caron-Huot (McGill University)
Non-perturbative techniques are needed to study strongly coupled systems. One powerful approach is the n-particle irreducible effective action. The technique provides a systematic expansion for which the truncation occurs at the level of the action. However, renormalisation using a standard counterterm approach is not well understood. At the 2PI level one must introduce multiple counterterms,...
The CHY technique for computing scattering amplitudes has been used in a large variety of theories ranging from Einstein gravity to the Chiral Lagrangian. Many of these theories have in common that they are effective field theories (EFTs) of spontaneously broken symmetries. In this talk I will review recent results relating these effective field theories including the recent formula for the...
Precision calculations in de Sitter space (such as of inflationary predictions for primordial fluctuations) are often plagued by infrared problems and issues of secular time dependence. Similar issues about the breakdown of perturbation theory seem also to arise for information loss in black holes. This talk briefly summarizes how related problems can arise in other areas of physics, and how...