Jet grooming is a widely used technique at the LHC that allows us to reduce contamination from pile up and underlying event, as well as the nonperturbative contribution from hadronization, in the measurement of jet observables. Grooming algorithms such as soft drop further enable precise theoretical calculations in perturbation theory, thus making groomed observables attractive candidates for precision collider physics measurements. In the past few years a remarkable progress has been made in both perturbative and nonperturbative aspects of calculations for a variety of groomed jet observables.
In this talk I will describe our recent work where we develop a factorization framework to compute the double differential cross section in the soft drop groomed jet mass and groomed jet radius, Rg. The interplay of the jet mass and Rg measurement define effective theories in the large, intermediate and small groomed jet radius regions. Using this framework we can calculate certain moments of Rg at next-to-leading-log (prime) (NLL’) accuracy. These moments can be related to the two perturbative Wilson coefficients C1 and C2 that, along with three universal parameters, specify hadronization corrections to the groomed jet mass. We compare our results with parton shower Monte Carlo simulations and a leading-log (LL) calculation using the coherent branching method.
Connections will begin at 12:30 with the seminar beginning at 13:00.