21–23 Mar 2016
University of Sussex
Europe/London timezone


Parallel session 2

22 Mar 2016, 13:45
Chichester Lecture Theatre (University of Sussex)

Chichester Lecture Theatre

University of Sussex

Falmer Brighton BN1 9QJ UK

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Luke Vinton (University of Sussex)
22/03/2016, 13:45
Louie Dartmoor Corpe (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
22/03/2016, 13:45
Savanna Marie Shaw (University of Manchester)
22/03/2016, 13:45
Thomas James Stevenson (University of London (GB))
22/03/2016, 14:00
Paolo Beltrame (Conseil Europeen Recherche Nucl. (CERN))
22/03/2016, 14:00
Dr Nasim Fatemighomi (Royal Holloway University of London)
22/03/2016, 14:30
Thomas Dealtry (RAL & University of Oxford)
22/03/2016, 14:30
Navin Seeburn (Royal Holloway, University of London)
22/03/2016, 14:45
Marcella Bona (Queen Mary University of London (UK))
22/03/2016, 15:00
James Broughton (University of Birmingham (GB))
22/03/2016, 15:00
Building timetable...