Jun 21 – 24, 2022
Queen Mary University of London
Europe/London timezone

This is the webpage for the celebratory final meeting of the European Commission Innovative Training Network SAGEX (Scattering Amplitudes: from Geometry to Experiment)

The workshop will consist of research presentations by academic members of the network (Tuesday-Thursday), presentations by our industrial partners (Friday) and the final meeting of the SAGEX Supervisory Board.


Andi Brandhuber, Jenna Lane, Ricardo Monteiro, Mary Thomas, Gabriele Travaglini, Congkao Wen, Chris White

Confirmed speakers:

Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS, Princeton)
Zvi Bern (UCLA)
Emil Bjerrum-Bohr (NBI)
Johannes Bluemlein (DESY)
Andi Brandhuber (QMUL)
Ruth Britto (Trinity College Dublin)
John Joseph Carrasco (Northwestern University and CEA Saclay)
Lance Dixon (SLAC)
Patrick Dorey (Durham University)
Paul Heslop (Durham University)
David Kosower (CEA Saclay)
Lionel Mason (University of Oxford)
Tristan McLoughlin (Trinity College Dublin)
Sven-Olaf Moch (University of Hamburg)
Georgios Papathanasiou (DESY)
Jan Plefka (Humboldt University Berlin)
Carsten Schneider (RISC)
Matthias Staudacher (Humboldt University Berlin)
Gabriele Travaglini (QMUL)


This workshop is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 764850 "SAGEX".


Queen Mary University of London
G. O. Jones lecture theatre, G.O. Jones Building
327 Mile End Road London, E1 4NS United Kingdom
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