nuSTORM meeting organised as part of the iMC discussion of demonstrator facilities

Kenneth Richard Long (Imperial College (GB))

ZOOM room:

Following the successful presentation of the ENUBET/nuSTORM programme to the recent Physics Beyond Colliders meeting, this nuSTORM meeting is being organised in conjunction with the ENUBET collaboration.

This nuSTORM meeting is held as part of a larger meeting organised by the international Muon Collider (iMC) collaboration and the MICE collaboration.  The iMC collaboration meeting (the indico link is here: is focused on the discussion of demonstrator and R&D facilities needed to take the muon-collider programme forward.

The iMC meeting takes place in the (European) afternoons of the 24th and 25th of March 2021.  The MICE meeting takes place on the afternoon of the 26th March.

The nuSTORM meeting for which the agenda is presented here takes place on the morning of the 25th March 2021.