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Characterisation of HEXITEC MHz – a 1 MHz continuous frame rate spectroscopic X-ray imaging detector system

7 Sept 2023, 10:30
St Catherine's Bernard Sunley Building (Oxford)

St Catherine's Bernard Sunley Building


Talk X-ray and Gamma Ray Detectors Advanced photon detectors X-rays and Gamma ray


Ben Cline Matthew Veale


The HEXITEC$_{MHz}$ detector system is the latest generation of the STFC’s HEXITEC spectroscopic X-ray imaging detector systems. When coupled to Cd(Zn)Te sensor material, the original HEXITEC system delivers high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy (50 electrons RMS) per 250 μm pitch pixel for hard X-rays with energies 2 - 200 keV. However, a 9.1 kHz frame rate and the need to identify charge-sharing events limits its application to photon fluxes of ~10$^4$ ph s$^{-1}$ mm$^{-2}$. With many photon light sources undergoing major upgrades to diffraction-limited storage rings, these expected increases in flux have motivated the development of the next generation of the HEXITEC technology. This demand has also been driven by spectroscopic X-ray imaging techniques such as Hyperspectral X-ray Tomography, which require operation under a high incident X-ray flux for time-resolved measurements.

The HEXITEC$_{MHz}$ system is targeted at delivering the same high-resolution spectroscopy as the original ASIC whilst targeting higher photon fluxes. Whilst the ASIC maintains the same 250 μm pixel pitch, the new integrating Front End architecture, in-pixel digitisation and high-speed serialisers deliver a 1 MHz frame rate. This enables operation at fluxes of >10$^6$ ph s$^{-1}$ mm$^{-2}$ for spectroscopic X-ray imaging applications.

A 300 µm thick p-type Si HEXITEC$_{MHz}$ detector was characterised on the B16 Test Beamline at the Diamond Light Source and are the first measurements taken at a 1 MHz frame rate. At 10 keV and 15 keV the device displayed average FWHM of 656 eV and 682 eV respectively, with minimal changes in spectroscopic performance over ~8 h. Analysis of charge-sharing events show low charge loss and a linear energy-signal response. Higher-flux measurements illustrated the capability of HEXITEC$_{MHz}$ to operate as a photon-counting device, capable of measuring 30 × 10 keV photons in a single frame. Results from a high-flux CdZnTe device will also be shown.

Your name Ben Cline
Institute UKRI STFC
Email address ben.cline@stfc.ac.uk



Mr Adam Davis (UKRI STFC) Andreas Schneider Chris Day Mr David Sole (UKRI STFC) Mr Dominic Banks (UKRI STFC) Ivan Church (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)) Mr John Holden (UKRI STFC) John Lipp (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)) Joseph Nobes (UKRI STFC) Mr Josh Harris (UKRI STFC) Mr Kawal Sawhney (Diamond Light Source) Lawrence Jones Marcus Julian French (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)) Mark Lyndon Prydderch (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)) Mr Matt Roberts (UKRI STFC) Matthew Hart (STFC) Matthew Wilson (STFC) Navid Ghorbanian Mr Oliver Fox (Diamond Light Source) Paul Seller (RAL) Simon Cross (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) Mr Sooraj Pradeep (UKRI STFC) Stephen Bell (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Thomas Gardiner Tim Nicholls (STFC (RAL)) Mr Vishal Dhamgaye (Diamond Light Source) William Ian Helsby (STFC Daresbury Laboratory (GB))

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