DPF/DPB Forum on US contributions to the European Strategy for Particle Physics Update
7AM-3PM PST Feb 27, 2025 – https://indico.global/event/13796
The process for the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (ESPP) was launched by CERN Council in March 2024 and is expected to conclude in 2026. As part of this process, the Strategy secretariat has solicited input from a broad range of stakeholders. DPF and DPB encourage US groups to engage with this process.
As part of the planning process, the ESPP is soliciting white papers, to be submitted by March 31, 2025, from the international particle physics community – universities, laboratories and collaborations. Some US collaborations and projects are preparing white papers and we feel it would be good for the US community to share those contributions with each other. See the reference material below for the timeline and specifications for white papers.
As part of this process, the APS Divisions of Particles and Fields (DPF) and Physics and Beams (DPB) are co-sponsoring a 1-day Forum on Feb 27, 2025 at which interested US groups will present and discuss their draft white papers. Please tell dpfstrategy@fnal.gov by Feb 20 if you are planning to submit a white paper and wish to discuss it as space in the agenda is limited.
You are invited to register for the meeting at: https://indico.global/event/13796/. The meeting will be fully online. Registered participants will be sent a zoom link before the meeting. Contact dpfstrategy@fnal.gov if you encounter issues.
Regards, the DPF and DPB executive committees.
The timeline for the ESPP process is:
Submission of white papers from particle physics community members by 31 March 2025 (guidelines available here). Community white papers should be submitted via https://europeanstrategyupdate.web.cern.ch/call-input. DPF would much appreciate it if you could also send a copy of your submissions to dpfstrategy@fnal.gov.
Additional input from the national HEP communities in advance of the Open Symposium (deadline 26 May 2025)
Participation in the Open Symposium that will take place in Venice, IT, from 23 – 27 June 2025.
Based on the input collected further input from the national HEP communities is welcome ahead of the December 2025 Strategy drafting session (deadline 14 November 2025).
Reference materials
The US strategy from P5/Snowmass is outlined in:
Snowmass 2021 report: https://inspirehep.net/literature/2627711
P5 report: https://www.usparticlephysics.org/2023-p5-report/
The European Strategy call for input is here: https://ecfa.web.cern.ch/ecfa-guidelines-inputs-national-hep-communities-european-strategy-particle-physics-0
And the overall process is described at: https://europeanstrategyupdate.web.cern.ch
Call for white papers:
Format for white papers:
ECFA guidelines for national input: https://ecfa.web.cern.ch/ecfa-guidelines-inputs-national-hep-communities-european-strategy-particle-physics-0