May 26 – 31, 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Our goal is to build awareness in graduate students and postdoctoral researchers around the broad research opportunities in heavy-ion physics and quark-matter studies. To achieve this goal, we have invited leading members of the community to deliver talks on trending topics in the field. The workshop also includes a limited number of short talks by graduate students and early-career researchers.


International advisory Committee:

U. Heinz 

Ohio State University (OSU)

K. Landsteiner

Instituto de Fisica Teorica (IFT), Madrid

R. Pisarski

American Physical Society (APS)

D. Rischke

Goethe U. Frankfurt am Main

J. Stachel

University of Heidelberg - ALICE

G. Torrieri

 Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin, UNICAMP

There is an open survey.