29 April 2025 to 1 May 2025
Hamilton Mathematics Institute, Trinity College Dublin
Europe/Dublin timezone

Semi-infinite cohomology of the BMS algebra and carrollian strings

Not scheduled
Salmon Lecture Theatre

Salmon Lecture Theatre

Theme 3: mathematics of NL geometries Mathematics of NL geometries: Plenary Talk (Chair: ...)


Prof. José Figueroa-O'Farrill (The University of Edinburgh)


I will report on work in progress (which ought to be finished by the time of the workshop) using conformal field theoretical techniques to calculate the semi-infinite cohomology of the BMS algebra with values in some representations coming from the quantisation of carrollian strings. This will be based on papers with Girish Vishwa and, separately, Emil Have and Niels Obers.


Prof. José Figueroa-O'Farrill (The University of Edinburgh)

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