Integrability and holography have played a huge role in understanding string theory in AdS$_5 \times$S$^5$, so it is worth studying if they survive in the non-relativistic string theory. In this talk, I will show that the Maldacena's construction of the AdS$_5$/CFT$_4$ correspondence survives the limit process, giving us a duality between NR string theory in SNC AdS$_5 \times$S$^5$ and...
I will talk about two classes of nonrelativistic sigma models and their roles in M-theory and matrix theory. I will start with the quantum critical supermembrane and its quantization, which is described by a renormalizable three-dimensional sigma model at a z=2 Lifshitz point. This model provides a natural candidate high-energy completion of the supermembrane in M-theory, where the latter is...
I can give one of two talks.
In one, I can discuss the surprising structure of non-relativistic 11-dimensional supergravity, based on
In the other, I can explain a surprising link between decoupling limits leading to non-Lorentzian corners of string theory and the TTbar deformation. The latter in its original incarnation is a deformation of 2d field...
In this talk, I will show how we used the covariant $1/c$-expansion to construct a framework for post-Newtonian gravity that is valid in any gauge with a Newtonian regime. This is not true for every gauge as Newtonian gravity itself is a gauge fixed version of Newton-Cartan gravity. Thus, we fix the leading order gauge choice but keep full gauge freedom at all subleading orders in this...
Carrollian holography proposes that gravity in four-dimensional (4d) asymptotically flat spacetime is dual to a 3d Carrollian CFT living at null infinity. In this talk, I will review this framework and explain how massless amplitudes in flat space can be re-expressed as Carrollian CFT correlators at the boundary, referred to as Carrollian amplitudes. I will show that these correlators...
We study null open strings and establish, for the first time, that the worldsheet residual gauge symmetry algebra is the Boundary Carrollian Conformal Algebra (BCCA). We present the construction of open null strings and demonstrate that, under Dirichlet boundary conditions, Boundary Carrollian Conformal Algebra emerges as the algebra of constraints. Additionally, we show that the BCCA can be...
In this talk, I will outline how to take the first step in the conformal program for constructing general matter couplings to Carroll gravity. In particular, I will show how a (non-conformal version of) electric/magnetic Carroll gravity arises from gauge-fixing a theory of a single massless electric/magnetic scalar coupled to conformal Carroll gravity with isotropic dilatations. Special...
The concept of fracton quasiparticle has recently emerged in many areas of physics, from mathematical physics to condensed matter and quantum information, unified by the general feature of restricted mobility.
In this talk I will show that the fracton phenomenology of Pretko's original papers [1604.05329,1606.08857] can be reproduced from first principles of QFT through a symmetry-based...
I will report on work in progress (which ought to be finished by the time of the workshop) using conformal field theoretical techniques to calculate the semi-infinite cohomology of the BMS algebra with values in some representations coming from the quantisation of carrollian strings. This will be based on papers with Girish Vishwa and, separately, Emil Have and Niels Obers.